Tuesday, October 15, 2024

200 Nebraska Farmers Remain Silent During Auction So A Young Man Can Buy Back His Family Farm

An act of kindness by farmers in Nebraska has restored our trust in humanity.

Hundreds of farmers in Nebraska kept quiet during an auction so that a young man could win the bid and buy back his family’s farm.


David’s family had been farmers for decades. Many years ago, an ancestor sold off their 80 acre farm to a relative who did not have their best interest in mind. This upset the whole family.

David was determined to win it back, so when the land was up for auction, David and his father chose to do everything in their power to win back the farm again.

On the auction day, more than 200 farmers were present there. David and his dad thought their chances of winning were slim, but they decided to give it their best shot.

What the farmers did next surprised David and his family.

When the auctioneer began, David and his father placed their bid. To their surprise, not one of the other farmers spoke up.

It turned out that more than 200 farmers had a change of heart about the land and decided not to bid, so that the young farmer could win it back for his family.

After three times, the auctioneer had still not heard a response from a single farmer. He finally slammed down the gavel and gave David and his father the winning bid.

“I’ve had two profoundly humbling days in my life,” David said. “The first was the day my son was born. The second was that unforgettable day at the auction house.”


What an amazing show of solidarity by the farmers towards this family. This act of kindness has indeed melted our hearts.